Friday 27 November 2009

Climate change scepticism invades my work-place

Debate about climate change flared up right in front of my desk about 9 this morning. There were several "critical" issues to solve first thing, so i'm sure the focus on this didn't exactly gain management approval, and I have to say that i more than played my part in making it such a (get ready for it...) "hot topic". Ok, perhaps it wasn't so heated until i stuck my "oar in"; but it was spooky how everything seemed to coincide. I had watched "an inconvenient truth" again last night, having read on guardian unlimited about the "leaked e-mail" scandal.
The scientific consensus, from a great many sources, appears to have moved on from picking through published analysis to establish if there is sufficient doubt to support further deliberation. I know Wikipedia isn't always the most reliable source, but this looks reasonably responsibly sourced:

Of course, a piece of dramatic and clearly non-partisan documentary like "an inconvenient truth" has attracted, by the sheer number of people it has affected, some convincing critisism (for instance had me feeling naive for a while).
Ultimately though, it's splitting hairs to me. I hope more people will come off the fence. If you really do strongly believe that global warming is a scam, then perhaps it's your duty to organise and help prepare the world for the continued observed temperature changes since you know what's really causing them and we're so powerless to stop them?

Doesn't it strike a sceptic as a coincidence that the world is warming up so severely just as we've been industrialising and burning all this once in an age resource? Really, what are the chances? Perhaps if you wait long enough, you'll win the lottery, then live on an island somewhere and enjoy the increasing temperatures.


John Hardie said...

Prolly should have put this one in, mostly for comic measure, but it's got much more going for it than that.

Ian said...

I can confirm that said discussion in front of your desk certainly did not gain management approval. I was astonished to hear that this was actually happening just seconds after it had literally been highlighted that the Lloyds file hadn't gone for three days. Seriously! Hello!? The Lloyds file!!? Now if that doesn't put climate change into perspective, I don't know what does...