Saturday 5 December 2009

Economist piece ahead of Copenhagen

I'm not sure how many people read my blog entries, but if you do then thanks for stopping by.

This weeks Economist magazine has a cover and a leader about climate change ahead of the Copenhagen summit. Largely mooted to be a waste of time, i hope that's not just the prevailing cynicism sweeping the nation on the coat tails of the "credit crunch". I guess it's difficult not to be cynical with the enquiry into the Iraq war continuing to prove that Iraq was largely about George W Bush trying to get George HW Bush's attention on the news every day. We should be thankful that every Ivy league brat doesn't have such a platform to play out their adolescent "Dad loves me the least" drama with toys of such magnitude.

At least Copenhagen gets people talking about it. The BBC are also reshowing Dr. Ian Stuart's "Climate Wars" series, as well as all sorts of other documentaries about GW.

I'll certainly be attempting to educate myself further on the topic. I've already set-up media centre to catch a lot of them.