Sunday, 14 June 2009

LVTs - that's where it's at

Here's a conclusion for those who would hope that once again we might abolish serfdom!

Think what you might about the housing market right now; who wouldn't want a nice home for themselves and their family to live in? What we don't need is a system which encourages the exploitation of the basic need for shelter, where we talk constantly of "shortages" whilst people mothball, or simply abandon, building sites because their profits might fall to a slightly less desirable level and people stockpile and celebrate their status whilst others wonder if they'll ever have a basic desire for a home to call their own satisfied.
How much of the system required to protect the investments of those who might consider they've been "shrewd" or "enterprising" have they really been responsible for or contributed positively towards?

Let's hear it for the boys!

Another subject which i like to keep on the reading list is the rising tide of critisism us "tails" are getting for some of the world's less laudible aspects right now. I love this article. There's a certain amount of salt which is intended to be imbided along with it, but it's thoroughly enjoyable; written by a man, against men. It has a point, it quite a playful way.

Saturday, 13 June 2009

Mac users beware

Something i'm always keeping an eye on is the OSX virus community. Mac users have so far enjoyed a virtually malware free existence. Most Mac users, apart from the most technically minded, will usually opine that this is simply because the Mac is so inheriently secure that they are, to echo the medical anology of the word "virus", "ammune" to all virii.

So, this news item may turn a few heads; looks like a resistant strain has arrived!